Agritruth Soils

Agritruth is located in the Black soil zone of Western Canada near the city of Brandon, Manitoba.

Our soils are classified as Black Chernozems or Mollisols depending on the classification system one uses. Most of the soils we conduct our trials on are Class 2 soils according to the Canada Land Inventory. The Newdale series is the predominant soil type on our farm; these soils were formed on glacial till parent material under grassland vegetation. Organic matter levels are in the range of 5-6%, pH 7.5, soil texture is clayloam. The soils are well to moderately well drained, A horizon depth is about 12 inches and they occur on undulating to hummocky landscapes.

We also have some heavier textured soils in the Assiniboine Valley; these soils were formed on Alluvial deposits, have similar organic matter and pH levels as the Newdale, but have a silty clay texture and a fairly flat topography free of stones.

Our farm has been practicing Zero-till since 1997 and adopted a Controlled Traffic Farming (CTF) system in 2012.

Climate Data

Check out the Climate Data from the following years: